Saturday, December 19, 2009

Career Clinic Associates with His Excellency Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam

I am happy to share this moment of Team Career Clinic @ Original City - Avinash and Bharath during His Excellency Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam on 14th November 2009.
We are inspired by his vision and happy to be able to contribute a very minute fraction of contribution for Developed India..
LeadIndia 2020
GR Reddy

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

HR Function Outsourcing Model of Husys Shared at IIMA

I am happy to share that Husys shared HRFO experience with AHRD MDP program at IIMA on 11th December 2009. Here is a photograph of GR's Session at IIMA on 11th December 2009.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Career Clinic @ Original City

Dear Friends,

As part of our support to the young and budding professionals we are initiating this Career Clinic @ Original City, Huppuguda, Hyderabad (Near Huppuguda Railway station, 100 meters from station... and road leading to Arundhathi Colony). Some of the Details are as below, please use this opportunity to be a winner. Please note this is our social service effort and in support of young India.

Time: Every Sunday Experts are Available for conselling - 8 am to 10 am
Location : Original City
Cost : No Cost - Its Free

How do we help :
Areas of Support: Helping in 1st Job, Enterprenurship, Career Enhancement, Education

We help you in the following steps in Your Job Search (1st Job)
1 - You Register with our Team
2 - We shall invite you for a Test/GD/Personal Interview
3 - We rate each of the applicant
4 - We connect to the Industry who require a specific requirement
5 - Send the Data relevant for Companies
6 - Companies based on the requirement call for Selection based on the data submitted by us
7 - Offered by Companies if selected
8 - If you get an opportunity, you should be helping the others in our database.
9 - If you are not successful in the above process we continue to send the data to many companies...also we continue to guide based on your interest

Email :

Wish you a great time....

Warm Regards,
Reddy GR - Husys

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Mission - HR Talent 2009 Competition for Business Students

We are conducting a unique 4 level HR Competition including Practical assignments in judging the "Mission - HR Talent 2009". Please review the link for more information : /missionhr.html

Please pass it on to students who are pursuing the Business Program as part of MBA/MHRM/PGDM etc.,

Last Date for Entries : 19th November 2009


Warm Regards,
Reddy GR

Monday, October 26, 2009

Q&A for T20-P80 of Management Education by GR Reddy

Here is the link where the Q&A for previous article...

Please standby for the English Version of questions and answers..

GR Reddy Husys

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

T20 - P80 of Management Education

T20–P80 (Theory20:Practice80) Of Management Education

The Management Education has become very important with the changing Business scenario across the globe. More important for Indian Business Graduates where the world of opportunities are ahead.

In Today’s world there are many changes taking place in Business. If you notice out of top 100 companies 20 years back very few are still existing on top… and many have suffered closing and struggling to survive… There are many new age companies based on knowledge Industry are ruling the Business Leadership positions. This is purely due to the lack of forecasting the future and ability to adapt by the Big Business houses continuously. If this is true to the Business, its equally true to the Management Graduates without any exception.

Management education comes with different names and titles… to name few : MBA – Master of Business Administration(offered by typically Universities), PGP-M – Post Graduate Program in Management(independent and strength based on Industry endorsement – eg. ISB), PGDM – Post Graduate Diploma in Management attached with specialization-Independent approved by AICTE (HR-Human Resources, Retail – Retail Management etc., as specialization offered by many Business Schools). All the programs have their own advantages based on the course design flexibility and execution. The Programs would stand benefit the students end of the day based on the Industry acceptance and ability to produce productive resources for immediate use.

“It is not for stop gap during recession time or just following the trend to do MBA after graduation.. it is for the insight to business before you start managing your firm or managing some one else, know the importance 'you are going to be a entrepreneur either way”

Pre-Management Course : If we have not consciously applied our ability to see the chemistry, physics, mathematics, Engineering in education till Graduation, its time that we apply all what we learn at business school to real-life. The continuous application and experimentation of oneself is the key for success in management education.

During Management Course : As part of the management education the student pursuing is expected to understand the Theory in books and how its been practiced by working professionals and experts teaching at the business school. Any unapplied theory would not fetch a good future for student in today’s times.

Getting Started - Induct – Equip – Experiment Yourself:

Since the management course has very different expectations than that of your graduation, its important to understand some of the following to help oneself to induct for better future student life.

- Its Important for a student to understand the expectations of the course
- Understand the College and their expectations during the course
- Understand the economic scenario outside ( eg. Due to the change in the business there has been a tremendous impact on 2007-9, 2008-10 batch of students)
- Understand the expectations of the Industry from time to time.
- Understand the expectations of the course from the following point of view and prepare yourself – mentally and physically to face.
o Subjects & Course Contents
o Teaching Methodologies
o Practical Assignments
o Field Works
o Guest/Visitng Professors

“Inculcate a deep rooted passion towards the course you have chosen, to make sure that it occupies Priority in your mind”

During the course - Know the syllabus before attending classes (try to get inputs from relevant working professionals before attending the topic. This will give you a better understanding of the subject and minimize your time for exam preparation)

Note : Forget about the approach of going through books just before the examination & be prepared with the contents rather than just vomiting the learned topics previous day of exam.

Students and challenges:

Ideally a management course is useful for students who have prior work experience, however 80% of MBA students do join after their Graduation. This proving to be a negative impact on the number of offers at Business Schools.

Fresh Graduates Without Experience: Students who join the Management program without any working experience fail to relate to the real business environment. They need a great amount of ability to constantly understand the application in real-life business. They have to make atleast 5 times more effort than a person with experience to make sure a realistic approach to work-life at Business.

Professionals with Work Experience: The students who come with experience to the management schools have to face with a challenge of viewing from a very different angle than what is been experienced by them in their previous jobs. The ability to break away from a traditional “my point of view” thinking would help them to achieve greater heights.

The Ability of the Individuals with Fresh thoughts without experience and the ability of the working experience would be used as a strength to build Business oriented capabilities.


MBA is not just another course/degree that one would be acquiring… It requires an Application Oriented approach to business. Students are expected to understand, assimilate and use the business skills taught at the Business School. If one would like to continue how they were in Graduation which may not help them in anyway. The same is reflected in the way they approach to the Industry with a right attitude for positive development of business.

An approach & Attitude called “Return on Investment”: The Return on investment is true to the Student and the Industry who would hire them when they pass out from college.

A Business Graduate should have two approaches – what is the Return on the Investment done my him/her in terms of Money & Time invested Versus the Opportunity that they have at the end of the program.

Also the Return on Investment proposition for organisation who hire them. Organizations offer positions to the Business School graduates assuming that they come with business expertise and add value to their business. Usual Investment Return that they look at is 1:5 times where the salary paid and the revenue/profitability is 5 times (may vary based on Industry – High for product/process based Industries…)….

“If you don’t have a ROI proposition in your attitude only luck/god can help you”

Plan to Gain @ College:

Ideally college is the best Place to gain the exposure required… It’s a testing ground for one self to build the capabilities required for future. A good management College would build an ability of building & managing Business in the students. How one can get maximum out of the various point of interactions while at college. Few of them are 4 listed dimensions where the gain is possible for a student for future improvement. It may sound and feel painful to keep efforts but its worth for a better future.

Gain from Classes:

Your class room is your Lab to experiment yourself and express to test yourself. Make sure you utilize the time and efforts at classroom as below:

- Involve and understand the applicability of theory in practice
- Relate with simple things in your life and the experiences around.
- Benefit from the application and involvement in various methodologies of managing and understanding business.
- Create notes and build the subject knowledge
- Learn work environment (learning along with different people with an ability to build interpersonal skills, working as a team, driving from the front for any specific assignment.

Gain from Teachers/Faculty/Professors

The ability of understanding the students and mould them for the future is in the hands of the professors at college. The best of the combination of experienced faculty with a focus on student development helps you well. Some of the points to keep in mind to exploit the opportunity with Faculty during your college.

- Never Hesitate to Ask any simple to complex questions.
- Treat them as typically the first mentors for your future endeavors
- Build a rapport and discuss during the sessions and after the sessions.
- Have a meaningful dialogues to argue and understand the concepts (Be productive –don’t be a pain with your view point always)
- Gain from real-life experience of the professors
- Support in their external assignments to get exposure

Gain from College
- Best use the infrastructure and Learning environment
- Best use of the support systems created in terms of the reputation
- Seek Support in reaching to Industry with the Faculty
- Create a best of the external environment within the college – Taking inputs from the Industry create labs ( for Sales Process, Back Office Processes for organizations) –Managements can always support you to build such support system for yourself.
- Create a Industry Interface Body (more than just placement) internally and run it effectively with the support of the Management, Faculty and Industry.

“Do not ever imagine that since you joined the course, its your ticket to a great management career – The ticket is that the course makes you think and help you apply in real-time situation”

Gain from Industry Interaction:
- Interaction with Industry is to build the visualization of your future
- Interaction and working with Industry would improve the probability of placement
- Industry realities are known and understood during the course.
- Visit and assimilate the knowledge from Real Business
- Building on-the-job exposure for better business sense
- Ensure all the Theory is visualized through interaction with the Industry Guests, Leaders.
- Choose Small and Medium Enterprises organizations to get your maximum learning practically.


Academic Excellence is the key for better positioning of oneself. Academic inputs build a strong foundation for student’s ability to understand the perspective of subject. This would help application at a later point of time. However, It’s important to understand the entire aspects of business in theory and apply for better scores. Better scores certify that you have done your best to understand, comprehend and express well.

“BUSINESS SCHOOL would only create an ability to support business not just preparing for just an other JOB”.


In most of the cases the students in MBA feel that they are into a tough and cutthroat environment and competition, however the world outside that environment is much more competitive. Some of the realities/expectations are listed as below:

- World is not as straight as what is read in the book… hence it becomes imperative that you must learn from external world more than in the Class room.
- External competition comes from anywhere due to the diversity in people working from various backgrounds. The external outside environment is much more complex and diverse than what you would experience in College.
- The business owners are never there to learn from the business school kids, they need to be convinced with your ability to understand business and create opportunity for growth.
- What you assume the expectations at Schools are extremely different and at least 10times more than what you would have expected normally.
- No Great theories work with the business leaders, unless proved and put in practice for better results.
- Business outside expects a clear measurable outputs than just assumptions and hopes.
- With the Global change in the business environment the expectations are multi-continental in nature than just one specific geography based.

“Best of the business Schools strive to build you as an Enterprenuer”


Today’s Business is no longer the Product driven, hence the Skills have become more of internal to the employees and managers who deal with them. The Service Orientation is the skill to focus for any Management Graduate if they wish to excel in their career.

In today’s business every business success depends on the Service orientation of the organization. Service is no longer is restricted to a product or to a company and its one of the most single distinctive factor which others can’t copy or replicate so easily.

Service orientation is the ability of the individual/group to see customer centric support that can be provided through various products and services that company is offering to ensure highest level of satisfaction. The individual should be able to see the service part of the product and improve presenting and responding to the customer for greater satisfaction.

While Service orientation is the base and one can excel with the continuous skill up gradations in the areas of Strategic Thinking with Tactical execution, People Management, Technology Management with exceptional problem solving ability.

The Students are expected to perform various Individual, Team & Customer Oriented tasks to make sure that they create business like environment to build the competencies in the college. Some of the examples of such activities may include – Attending Internal/External Seminars/Group Discussions, Bidding for external projects (SME’s), Identify the service lines and provide business support for organizations within the City/Outside city based on cost effectiveness and many such create/novel activities to help to feel the pulse of Business.

“Management Students are expected to be of soldiers with Tolls and ability to apply in real-time situations on the ground than great back-room bookworms”.


As you join the Management course there are different level of expectations than in your Graduation. Since the Management schools are supposed to build the capabilities for business management… Its important that the impact on the lifestyle would be higher. A Positive approach to life and new environment would help quick support for student. The following are the three key issues due to which there is an influence on LifeStyle and the Habits at a Management School.

- Creating Business Like Standardization at College : In the external world each company has its different/unique culture and representation. As a college one is expected to set some standards for Dress Code (Specific Dress Code on specific days/ occasions), Resumes, Presentation Material and other related support system to build a uniqueness for the college. Eg: When you represent your college externally you may want create a specific dress code/Presentation material in the format of your college during the presentations etc.

- Creating Business Like Environment: It is important to understand and appreciate the environment of Business outside. The student teams can set in specific set norms for execution of any task/assignment/project while in the college. Eg: Conducting a Seminar – Create set of Action Plans, Process documentation, checklist, allocation of work based on strengths of people, co-ordination with external agencies, formal invitations, Followup and Review, execution methodology with timelines etc.,

- Business Etiquettes and Behavior: During your interaction in business career you may encounter quite a number of behaviors, cultures with many kinds of people across the Globe. Its important to understand the Business and Cultural etiquettes of the Region/Country/Continent that the other Business partners belong. Understanding the etiquettes of Business, Dining, Interaction with people and help yourself to build those capabilities would be of great help. Eg: We eat our food with our hands at home, however during a business meeting you may have to use the spoon & forks. You should be able to use them effectively without showing great efforts during your business meetings.

Check Your Mannerism: In our country we have various ways of expression based on our place/environment. It can vary even widely within Andhra Pradesh… Its noticed that the students carry all the different mannerisms of the place they belong to which may not set in a business environment. Students must constantly identify such common behavioral patterns and correct with timely feedback based on the situations.

“ No Corporate work Experience is 9am-5pm or just 8 hours of job… In today’s business the executive is expected to perform the Role and Responsibility assigned on time… So Its important to be physically and mentally to stretch and complete tasks which may run into 15-16 hours too….”

Vitamins for Future Growth - Tips :

- Team up with the students who have the experience before joining the course and learn from their experiences and how the things have been applied. Do not depend on their evaluation but make sure you validate with your professor.
- Keep a track of your old student network (Alumni) – They help you place yourself 50% for sure. Create and run an Alumni Network if you don’t have at your college.
- Use Online Social/Business Networking sites to build relations with Business Leaders.
- Create Internal Individual Development Clubs, Business Clubs, Cultural Clubs and need based units to help you to build confidence in working with people.
- Keep interacting with the external professionals from Business. The ability to interact and connect in communication would help in building the confidence for delivery at work at later stages of career…
- Create at least 15 mentors from different Industries and professions to guide you to know the internal details of their businesses.
- Work on part-time assignments for at least 2-4 hours a day. This would give you real-time application of what you learn at college.
- Work on group real-time projects with organizations when you have to use your Internship & project reporting.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Eenadu Article for the benefit of MBA Students

Please review this article in Tegulu News Paper - Eenadu... please do standby for the english version on this blog...

Best Regards,
Reddy GR

Saturday, September 19, 2009

We help you in your First Job - Apply

Dear Friends,

As part of our support to the young and budding professionals we are initiating this Career Mission Program. Some of the Details are as below, please use this opportunity to be a winner. Please note this is our social service effort and in support of young India.

Program : Career Mission
Location : Original City
Cost : No Cost - Its Free
How do we help : We help you in the following steps :
1 - You Register with our Team
2 - We shall invite you for a Test/GD/Personal Interview
3 - We rate each of the applicant
4 - We connect to the Industry who require a specific requirement
5 - Send the Data relevant for Companies
6 - Companies based on the requirement call for Selection based on the data submitted by us
7 - Offered by Companies if selected
8 - If you get an opportunity, you should be helping the others in our database.
9 - If you are not successful in the above process we continue to send the data to many companies...also we continue to guide based on your interest

* As a college you can nominate yourself - We shall do the screening for your at once and add in our database for organisations...

Apply :
or alternatively Submit your data (this is easier for us to invite):

Wish you a great time....

Warm Regards,
Reddy GR - Husys

Monday, August 31, 2009

Get Your First Opportunity in these times

Please vote for GR on this link for his appearance on :

Get Your First Opportunity

Careers are changing dynamically... With the changing attitude and the ambitions of our young generation it may be difficult to say " I am from XYZ stream in my graduation and I would like to go in this field only". It may be right to start, but makes it difficult after some time with changing dynamics of Information received from various sources by the Aspirant.

Most of the Graduates would like to be in a Management function in the future and its important that you should pickup any job after your graduation. You need to understand one thing that by actually working on some of the assignments... you are making yourself acquented to the organisational environment, understand the dynamics of organisational culture, understand working with teams, understand your manager, understand the business cycle and ofcourse understand yourself to explore further.

This experiential information would help you build confidence and test yourself in the organisation. After a typical 2-3 years of exposure to the organisation move on to do your MBA (I would still say that by that time if you feel you need to have an MBA degree)....That would always be the best....

Go ahead and pick the right first opportunity (ofcourse evaluate briefly) and keep moving... one piece of advise... please stick and do it for atleast 1 year to gather some mass of understanding.


If you have any inclination to be on your own... pickup any assignment from companies as freelancer or on franchise like exposure to kick start your work... I shall write more on this in later stories...

All the Best and beat the recession with a quick start... or else your juniors would be in race....

All the best,
Reddy GR
GR works with Husys Consulting - HR Function Management company with global headquarters in Hyderabad,India.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

GR on

Click the following link to read and comment....

Friday, July 31, 2009



Human Excellence @ Original City
9010124588 , 9912463917

Friday, July 10, 2009


Continuing with my comments on August 23rd 2008 on… GR works with Husys – HR Function Management Company based at Hyderabad.

Its almost an year and we are here at a stage exactly what is predicted on that day… Some of the observations and hints that I would like to share at this point to get you to your first job comfortably.

World of SME’s
What we have seen changing in the SME’s World :
- There are hiccups interms of the money flow but it never deterred the SME’s to take this challenge and stand against the odd. The strength today is going to give 10% of the SME’s would emerge as large organizations of future.
- The Ability of the SME owners to keep investing into the new areas of business to bring the productivity.
- Lucky enough that the overhead & infrastructure costs are lower for all of the SME’s. It may have been due to the cautious behavior of hard earned rupee and also awareness of the ground realities.
- Small & Medium – Retail, Hospitality, Health Care, NGO’s, Various Services businesses
- There are many ventures making inroads into the Educational space. There is space for everyone. The more small and focused institutes with value add to the students would make their mark in this space.

What a Student/First Job Seeker to Do now:

- Forget what one expects you to do…. You are unique to yourself…. Define your own path….
- For a moment and few weeks let your parents don’t advise/tell/force you… Take that free time for yourself from what you know from others(friends etc.,)
- Review your critical capabilities interms of
o Your Interests
o Your Focus for Future
o Your Ability to Reach the desired level
o Your ability to assess and seek relevant support
o Your ability to define a path ( which may not be always the way everyone things)
o Your ability to innovate/experiment should be out
o Your ability to forget what you did… but what you acquired beyond grades/certificates
- If you have done the above…. Now you are ready to do different things than the other 99.99999999% of people do…

In this episode I would focus on one of the way to reach the SME’s :

After reading the following steps if you ask yourself “ Is this possible with me” don’t attempt to use this method and remain what you are…. If your mind says “ Challenging but let me make an effort”….that’s enough for you to move towards your goal.
- Identify and study the business of about 10 SME’s in different Segments (This is not easy task, but if you do it you are 50% through your search)
- Seek an appointment after your initial background study
- Understand the challenges of those SME’s currently and what’s there in future
- Create a channel to offer services to the SME in consideration by you or your group (A Team )
- Create a service product of offerings so that the SME would listen to you based on your ground work and different ways of looking at things… they know that you don’t want to be a burden to them than building support for their business.
o Eg. A team of young graduates with excellent communication skills could work on a Customer Data Gathering and arranging appointments for an organisation’s Sales Managers. This would help in building business for the organisation. Get paid based on the income generated out of your efforts.

Wish you all the best... please do write your comments for improvement and more information....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Career Aspirations in 2009 by Sudhakar - Director Operations - Husys

The original article by Sudhakar appeared on EENADU the No.1 daily in AP. Please read the Eenadu link :

Career Preparation for JOB in 2009

Economic recession, Global meltdown of Jobs in the Global Market, ofcourse leaves a thought in mind on how to get a job during this year. Its time to understand more deep about the market realities and realize our opportunities and threatens than just be in the old laurels of our brother and sisters who have succeeded and would like to travel in the same path. Its good to follow however important to customize the thoughts to be successful during the year 2009.

Emotional preparation

• Create a confidence to represent and drive yourself than others drive you with the ideas.
• Identify your unique strength (everybody in this world would have) as quality to be tough during hard times.
• Seek information but should have discretional ability to justify to your unique strength.
• Ready to be strong during all delayed communication and failure during and after the interview.
• Magnify your Listen skills to the Opportunity / Opportunities and filter your listen to the market of Jobs Lost/ Pink Slips internationally and even in domestic market.

Societal Realities

• Educate your family member especially the parents about the present industry situation and job market to ensure they are not in the world of hipe for you.
• Realize that 80% of the companies don’t have brand image to satisfy you social system where your job market is.
• Job opportunities need to be explored constantly through all sources. Now companies stopped investing on the Paper ads & Postings like previous, You would known through Social networking
• Never go along with sympathy / Pitiness against you which would kill your confidence level for your preparation in the Job Market.

Professional Focus

• Understand the Business of various Companies and your generalist role in each of the organization.
• Have a clear cut thought on why you have chosen your academic and scope of your qualification.
• Be clear, How are you going to contribute to the company, working for 8- 10 hours is not your contribution.
• Do a paper work on mapping you role in each of the organization along with related behavioural skills required.
• Bring maturity to your thoughts in expressing right in simple during the interviews understanding the domain Industry.
• Introspect yourself where you stand in the highly volatile, dynamic Business and Job market with sample question like
o Why Company X should give me a Job
o What is that I have gained since I have born?
o How well I am able to express myself about my creative thinking
o Is my thinking Conventional/ contemporary to the Business and Market changes
• Be ready to work for Risk-Reward style (Create a benefit to the Organsation and Seek for Self benefit.
• Its important to have a fairly good understanding of various functional skill to be jack of all trades to gain quick result for your academic and skills.

Personalised Focus for career

• Understand various kind/ types of jobs available in the market for your Study.
• Realise your competencies, practice on it
• Need to come out of the false prestige regarding Job expectations relating to your role and Pay.
• Express your thoughts clearly with good communication
• Prepare your profile simple covering all your competencies that you can Justify and never use Jargon, or spelling mistakes in the resume
• Optimistic approach to contribute to organization and be clear that your working in the organization is not a favour to the employer.
• Each Business Man hour is important for the organization to contribute, hence obligation to keep yourself fit and healthy.
• Its self responsibility for searching the sources of opportunities for Job availability and be connected to people and companies for your Job.

Employer would stretch from their end and would support in getting you a job in a win- win situation.

Career Aspirants Wish you all a great success during the year 2009

Current Challenges for Students by Sudhakar Kumar - Director - Operations - Husys

An Opportunity to learn more and get Employed meeting the Challenges

While being studious in your academics its now a serious thought time for all the job aspirants to understand the external market conditions and you can contribute to the Business market with your skills in the critical scenario of Global Business Slow down.

Trust all of you are aware that every year not less than a Lakh of Engineers, Half a Lakh of Management Graduates from each City across India getting into the market for employment and claim no Employment Opportunities. How does organization provide employment and to whom they would like to provide an opportunity during their survival of existence is at stake. Its time that uniqueness is created by you in the knowledge, approach and maturity to present self

As a Job seeker there are few facts that you must realize to gain opportunity during these challenging situation.

Facts to Realise:

Maximization at Less Cost - It is important for the Business man to protect and survive in their Business during unfavourable market Condition and their focus would be bring productivity with the existing resources or at a less cost in all possible ways.

Employment is to generate a value for Business: Gone are the days that because you are employed You are will be fixed a salary bracket and keep paying and provide increments year after year and incentive for each of the additional contributions to the company. Now it is time to address what value an Individual bring to the business both in terms of the Monetary & Non Monetary ways for Company to look at Investing on the people called asserts where the value should increase day after the day. Are you the One in those who provide difference to the company for increasing the business value and so your value.

Pay for Survival, luxury pay for timely High Performance and not for hard workers: Of course it looks strange but its fact that Businessman are not only focusing for sincere, loyal worker to work but also the speed and smartness to deliver to capture the opportunity understanding the Business. Those are paid better as long as the resource perform at improvise contribution every time.

High acceptability when your wave length match with the Business thinking and linking/ Interpreting to your functional Skills and deliver with expertise: This challenge is normally at the mid level manages However company trying to reduce the fat at the TOP and Mid Level and build teams at the entry level to balance the delivery challenges of execution and its an opportunity for the fresher to gain but when you can start thinking about the company business.

Come into the Reality and keep your shoes in the Present Business Situation- Come out of Social influence of brand image for your Job to showoff to your friends, it is important to be adaptable every odd work that come on your way along with your actual responsibility. Never expect someone would come and push/ train you to delivery better or blame your manager for not able to spend time for grooming you to deliver your task. Its important to take a foot forward to stretch all your body, mind and soul to support your manager for giving the best out put.

Time for defining career goals steps with clarity as the cost of mistake is too high compared to the previous Job market and thousands of people are behind you to take the Opportunity. Hence is important that you need to be clear enough of your career goal, steps of achievement, Yours key strength and then your ability to express and project all these with a right spirit and maturity as a prospective individual.

Your role of Translating Challenges to Opportunity

Social Networking for Optimizing the Opportunities and know the pockets of Opportunities which you would get the routes through continuous interaction with your senior, e mails, Electronic Technical/ Functional groups etc.

Your academic and scope of your academics in the Industry with strong fundamental knowledge

Eg- R & D (Microbiologist): Scope of few career Options for Bacteriologist, Immunologist, Cell Biologists, Environmental Scientists, Geneticists, Immunologists, Mycologist and Technical marketing etc.

Human Resources – Recruiter, Employee Relations Manager, generalist HR, C & B Specialist, Training Specialist, etc,

Marketing & Sales - Sales, Market Research & Analysis, Marketing, Online Marketing etc

And it is important to customize these theoretical skills to be interpreted for Business Development with required behavioural and Technical/ functional skills. And most important as a Professional it is important to be a jack of all trades with decent expertise in delivering with Multi functional and Technical Knowledge.

Supporting in the Big Challenges and support in neutralizing

• Speaking Business and your role importance.
• Confident representation of self as ready product to use.
• Value of low investment high returns resource

Build Maturity to your actions professionally to represent that you understand the challenge of Business to a extend with good understand of the market impact in that particular Vertical Business domain from a studious behaviour.

High time to come out of the box thinking and In Boundary delivery as a single function specialist during the early stage of career to play multi tasking role from the day initial stage with little orientation by the company.

All these skills along with an optimistic approach to contribute to organization would make you more employable quickly and sure would not impact you by any kind of tough scenario of Business and Economic slow down and beyond all your sustainability in the industry would be much high.